Tuesday, February 15, 2005
On this day:

Ruppert and Hopsicker: Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth Movement

It seems we have Tsunamis, the sixth extinction, HAARP, chemtrails, and also the muck and mess of 911, and the war on terror. This all relates in one way or another. The following article is a very good look at the 911 Truth Movement. Here is a snippit.

By far the most effective tool for shaping public opinion is fear. And by far the best way to control other nations is economically, or rather, through the control of their oil supply. Hence, 9-11 and the "war on terror".
Unless the US actually physically controls Middle Eastern oil reserves, however, they have no way of controlling to whom those reserves are sold. The only way to do so is to fabricate a reason for invading each oil-rich country in turn and either permanently occupy them or install a proxy government that will do your bidding. This, it would seem, is the process we see unfolding currently with the "war on terror" and the invasion of Iraq. Iran is probably next. Venezuela may follow. Of course, the public must be given a plausible reason as to why the wells have "run dry", which is the reason for the dissemination of the peak oil myth.

Ruppert and Hopsicker: Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth MovementOr Exposing the Big Con: Lies and Disinformation At The End Of Civilisation As We Know It

In case you haven't seen this yet, it sheds a new light on the plane that hit the pentagon.

Pentagon Strike Flash


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