Thursday, February 03, 2005
On this day:

Signs of the Times

Thinking about the Berlin wall has caused me to think about earth and the state we have found ourselves in here.

Will we even be able to survive. Will we choose to be or not be. Can we even see the difference between
good and evil?

If you heard the
truth, would you even believe it?

Do you know that there were ancient civilizations with a technology based upon stones that provided for everyone's needs? There is also spiritual work that can change your DNA and the very nature of your body.

There is a
wave on the way to earth that may well change the way you view reality.

In order to understand why the things that are happening on this planet are so amiss, you have to understand that many of the people in power on this earth are
psychopathic .

The research done by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and the Quantum Future Group provides evidence for an advanced level of scientific and metaphysical wisdom possessed by the greatest of lost ancient civilizations. Laura shows us that the upcoming shift or wave is the point in the cosmological cycle when mankind, or a least some of mankind, has the opportunity to regain his standing as "The Child of the King" in the Golden Age.

A good place to start learning more about this fascinating subject is with her
adventure series.

I personally found this information after years of looking for a reason for all of the evil on the planet, never understanding how God could create such a mean place, well I now know that's not the reality of the situation.

You will too, if you follow the yellow brick road.


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