Monday, February 28, 2005
On this day:

A Few New Bushisms

Posted by Hello

"After all, Europe is America's closest ally." —George W. Bush, Mainz, Germany, Feb. 23, 2005

"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table." —George W. Bush, Brussels, Belgium, Feb. 22, 2005

"If you're a younger person, you ought to be asking members of Congress and the United States Senate and the president what you intend to do about it. If you see a train wreck coming, you ought to be saying, what are you going to do about it, Mr. Congressman, or Madam Congressman?" —George W. Bush, Detroit, Mich., Feb. 8, 2005

"Because the — all which is on the table begins to address the big cost drivers. For example, how benefits are calculate, for example, is on the table; whether or not benefits rise based upon wage increases or price increases. There's a series of parts of the formula that are being considered. And when you couple that, those different cost drivers, affecting those — changing those with personal accounts, the idea is to get what has been promised more likely to be — or closer delivered to what has been promised. Does that make any sense to you? It's kind of muddled. Look, there's a series of things that cause the — like, for example, benefits are calculated based upon the increase of wages, as opposed to the increase of prices. Some have suggested that we calculate — the benefits will rise based upon inflation, as opposed to wage increases. There is a reform that would help solve the red if that were put into effect. In other words, how fast benefits grow, how fast the promised benefits grow, if those — if that growth is affected, it will help on the red." —George W. Bush, explaining his plan to save Social Security, Tampa, Fla., Feb. 4, 2005

"You work three jobs? … Uniquely American, isn't it? I mean, that is fantastic that you're doing that." —George W. Bush, to a divorced mother of three, Omaha, Nebraska, Feb. 4, 2005

"I'm also mindful that man should never try to put words in God's mouth. I mean, we should never ascribe natural disasters or anything else to God. We are in no way, shape, or form should a human being, play God." —George W. Bush, ABC's 20/20, Washington D.C., Jan. 14, 2005

"I want to appreciate those of you who wear our nation's uniform for your sacrifice." —George W. Bush, Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 14, 2005

"I speak plainly sometimes, but you've got to be mindful of the consequences of the words. So put that down. I don't know if you'd call that a confession, a regret, something." —George W. Bush, speaking to reporters, Washington, D.C., Jan. 14, 2005

"Who could have possibly envisioned an erection — an election in Iraq at this point in history?" —George W. Bush, at the white House, Washington, D.C., Jan. 10, 2005

"We need to apply 21st-century information technology to the health care field. We need to have our medical records put on the I.T." —George W. Bush, Collinsville, Ill., Jan. 5, 2005

Saturday, February 26, 2005
On this day:

The da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code written by Dan Brown has been an amazingly popular book.

The book begins with a murder of the Louvre's curator inside the museum. This eventually leads to clues within the paintings of Da Vinci, and the discovery of a secret society known as Priory of Sion. There is a another group known as Opus Dei, and this group wants the Priory's secrets.

That is the basis of the book. I was hugely disappointed with the story. For me, it was just 'plain vanilla.'

The following article however, is not plain vanilla.

Let us take a look at another of Da Vinci's works:

The Last Supper, with a special modification.
Many individuals have made much of the fact that this painting is supposed to depict Jesus dining with his "wife," Mary Magdalene next to him. I certainly agree that the figure next to Jesus is obviously a woman, but is it Mary Magdalene? Or is it someone else? And is the clue meant to point to something else, something that was know then, and we only have the clues in the stars, in myth and legend, and in a Cathedral in Auch?

Much has been made of the two "anomalous hands" in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci. One of these hands is found making a "cutting motion" at the throat of the woman seated next to Jesus. The other hand emerges holding a knife just behind the man seated to the woman's right. If you use the hand with the knife, the hand making the cutting motion, the right hand of Jesus, his forehead, and the palm of his left hand as "points," you have exactly the tracing of the constellation of Cassiopeia MIRRORED.
The True Identity of Fulcanelli and
The Da Vinci Code.

read the entire article here

The Fifth Column

If I just think good thoughts maybe the evil will go away.
arrgghh.. that doesn't work. I know... I will affirm "the world is at peace..the world is at peace..the world is at peace...."
hmm, that's not working either.

Let's get real people- we are in some deep doo.

David Kelly -The 59-year-old British scientist was involved with ultra secret work at Israel’s Institute for Biological Research. Israeli sources claim Kelly met institute scientists several times in London in the past two years. [...]
There have been persistent reports that the institute is also engaged in DNA sequencing research. One former member of the Knesset, Dedi Zucker, caused a storm in the Israeli Parliament when he claimed that the institute was "trying to create an ethnic specific weapon" in which Arabs could be targeted by Israeli weapon.

full article here.

article by Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Thursday, February 24, 2005
On this day:

Bush mends fences with French fries

King George has the mentality of a ten year old. This article is revolting--freedom fries and freedom toast--What a damn silly child this man is.
Does the congress have nothing better to do than rename French fries... I guess not.
Also, I have to wonder what's up with Chirac.

Bush mends fences with French fries

By Adam Entous and Alec RussellFebruary 23, 2005

President George Bush called the French leader by his first name, ate "French fries" and joked about inviting Jacques Chirac to his Texas ranch during a dinner to mend relations after the two men's dispute over Iraq.

A senior Bush Administration official described the meeting in Brussels on Monday as the best ever - "warm under any measure" - saying it proved relations had come a long way from the tense days before the Iraq invasion, when the US Congress renamed French fries "freedom fries" and Mr Bush's plane, Air Force One, served "freedom toast" rather than "French toast".

"This is my first dinner, since I've been re-elected, on European soil, and it's with Jacques Chirac - and that ought to say something," Mr Bush said, with the French President at his side.

Even the food was conciliatory. They ate French fries, which Mr Bush was keen to point out, and before their working dinner both leaders emphasised that all was now well.
"I've really been looking forward to this moment. Every time I meet with Jacques he's got good advice. And I'm looking forward to listening to you," Mr Bush told the French President.

"We've got a lot of issues to talk about - Middle Eastern peace, Lebanon, Iran, helping to feed the hungry."
Mr Bush was asked by a French reporter if relations were now good enough for him to invite Mr Chirac to his ranch at Crawford, Texas, an honour bestowed only on Mr Bush's closest allies.

"I'm looking for a good cowboy," Mr Bush responded.
Mr Chirac also welcomed the dinner. "Of course, that doesn't mean that because we share common values we necessarily agree on everything all the time," he said.

The meeting with Mr Chirac followed a speech in Brussels by Mr Bush in which he touched on several themes and had tough words for the Israelis. "Israel must freeze settlement activity and ensure that a new Palestinian state is truly viable with contiguous territory on the West Bank," he said.
Mr Bush also offered an olive branch over the environment, by mentioning the challenge faced by climate change - an issue denied by many US Conservatives.

The audience listened in silence to his remarks. One European Union diplomat later suggested it was either through stunned disbelief or because it was clear his shift was in tone rather than policy.

A senior Administration official had a rather different perspective, suggesting that it was just a matter of local culture.

Mr Bush did his best to suggest that the remaining disputes between Washington and Europe were no more significant than differences over audience style.

On Iran, he said the US could not rule out military action to prevent the ayatollahs acquiring nuclear weapons - but only as a last resort. "In safeguarding the security of free nations, no option can be taken permanently off the table," he said. "Iran, however, is different from Iraq."

On Iraq, Mr Bush said: "Some European nations joined the fight to liberate Iraq, while others did not. Yet all of us recognise courage when we see it and we saw it in the Iraqi people."

Signs of The Times

Wednesday, February 23, 2005
On this day:

The future of male pregnancy is drawing near

hoo boy..... what next

The future of male pregnancy is drawing near 02/22/2005 16:51 Taiwanese American Lee Mingwei has already become first pregnant man in history
There is a very peculiar phenomenon in modern medicine, known as Couvade Syndrome. This ailment can occur only with men, when they suffer from signs and symptoms of their expectant partners. The word "couvade" comes from the French "couver" meaning "to hatch." Men, who suffer from Couvade Syndrome, may have morning sickness, backaches, and even weight gain. Scientists determined that about 11 percent of expectant fathers experience this strange phenomenon. The syndrome can be described as the embodiment of psychogenic disorders that can be found among young men who have pregnant wives. Specialists say that pathological feelings of a young husband correspond to the physical and emotional experience of his pregnant wife.
An expectant father may notice symptoms of the ailment during the third month of his wife's pregnancy. Men, who suffer from the syndrome, are extremely worried about the health of their pregnant wives. They also feel guilty in front of their expectant wives, because men do not know what pregnancy is and what physical pain it brings to women.
It goes without saying that Couvade Syndrome is not common with all expectant fathers. Valeri Marilov, a professor of the medical psychology department of the Russian University of International Friendship, said that the ailment usually occurs with young men between 21 and 27 years of age, who experience their first marriage and their wives' first pregnancy. "Such men are usually infantile and hysterical personalities. They cannot control their anxiety, they do not have a psychological mechanism for it," the professor said.
Canadian scientists determined that expectant fathers suffering from Couvade Syndrome experience hormonal alterations as the time of the birth draws near. Researchers found out that the testosterone level evens out during the last three weeks before the child's birthday. In addition, would-be fathers have higher estrogen, whereas the cortisol level is lower than usual. Scientists believe that men can have such hormonal changes as a result of their adaptive reaction to decreasing requirement in sexual relations before the childbirth.
Couvade Syndrome gives men an opportunity to fully experience almost all difficulties of child-bearing. It is not ruled out, though, that men will be able to become pregnant and give birth to children in the near future too. The website of the RYT Hospital-Dwayne Medical clinic presents a detailed story of Mr. Lee Mingwei - the American artist, who became pregnant in the middle of 2002. Mingwei became the first pregnant man in history as a result of an operation, when surgeons implanted an embryo and placenta into his abdominal cavity. The website also has pictures of Mingwei's ultrasonic scanning. The story says that the man is about eight or nine months pregnant. Apparently, artists are very special when it comes to pregnancy - there seems to be no other way to explain the reason why the heroic Taiwanese American is still pregnant.
It has been officially announced that modern men already have a possibility to become pregnant. Leading IVF specialist, Robert Winston, says that his medical technique allows to implant artificially grown human embryos in the abdominal cavity of a man. Pregnant men will have to deliver their children by means of Cesarean section, of course. The technique implies the junction of placenta with one of internal abdominal organs, which will be nourishing the fetus. A pregnant man will also be receiving female hormones that will make for the development of mammary glands. Winston set forth and described the male pregnancy theory in his book titled "IVF Revolution." Proponents of the theory say that there are actually no reasons that can stop a man from becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child.
Swedish professor Mats Brannstrom also thinks that male pregnancy is an absolutely possible phenomenon to happen in modern life. The professor believes that it will also be possible to implant female uterus in a man's body. Scientists have already conducted successful experiments on animals. One just have to realize what practical use can be derived from such blatant violation of natural laws.
Read the original in Russian: (Translated by: Dmitry Sudakov)

Tuesday, February 22, 2005
On this day:

Who wrote the Bible

This article is an eye-opener.
Did you ever wonder who
wrote the bible?

portion of article:

People have been reading the Bible for ages. It has achieved a status in our culture assigned to no other single body of text. There are more copies of the Bible on the face of the planet than any other single book. It is quoted (and misquoted) more often than any other book. It is translated into more languages than any other book ever written as well. More people in recorded history have read it, studied it, taught it, admired it, argued about it, loved it, lived by it, and killed and died for it. It is the singular document at the heart of Judaism and Christianity, and yet the common man doesn’t really seem to ever ask: Who wrote it, really? They think they know: it is divinely dictated, revealed or inspired
In spite of what the average person believes about it, many investigators – mostly theologians - have been working on this question for about a thousand years – when they aren’t being burned at the stake for even asking it. What is ironic is the fact that most of them have only been seeking closer communion with God by trying to get closer to the original text “from the Hand of God,” so to say.

When we think about the bible we have to include that mysterious number 666 .

Another I-opener..

Who or what is the Beast of the Revelation?

Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Monday, February 21, 2005
On this day:

The True Identity of Fulcanelli, The Four Elements and The Da Vinci Code

I seem to be going over many different subjects, but that's a good thing. I see no reason to be one dimensional!

Find out more about the da Vinci code and the famous alchemist Fulcanelli.

Has the true identity of Fulcanelli been uncovered ......?
read it

The Alchemical Androgyne: I have become One: Creator of worlds.

article by:
Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Sunday, February 20, 2005
On this day:

Devastating Losses for Right Whales

"Devastating" Losses for Right Whales This Winter
Stefan Lovgrenfor
National Geographic News
February 1, 2005
Four North American right whales—of the fewer than 350 left in the world—have been found dead along the eastern seaboard of the United States since November.
Researchers were especially distressed by the death of one whale, named Bolo, which was found dead off Nantucket Island on January 10. A 45-foot (13.7-meter) female, she had given birth to at least six calves, the most ever recorded for a right whale.
"The loss of a reproductive female, especially one as successful as Bolo, is a blow to this population that is just hanging in the balance," said Moira Brown, a right whale expert at the New England Aquarium in Boston, Massachusetts.
Brown says the animal is "on the brink of extinction."
Big and Slow
The right whales were hunted for centuries. They got their name from whalers who considered them to be the "right" whales to kill because of their large size, coastal distribution, and slow swimming speed. Unlike other whale species, the stocky right whale also floats after death.
The North American right whale, which is closely related to the North Pacific and South Atlantic right whales, was almost hunted to extinction in the mid-1700s. The hunt was eventually banned in 1935.
Today they run the risk of getting hit by a ship or entangled in fishing lines. The whales summer in the Bay of Fundy, off Nova Scotia. Pregnant females migrate south to waters off the U.S. state of Georgia in the winter to give birth. Researchers don't know the winter locations of most of the other types of right whales.
In November a pregnant right whale was found off the Virginia coast, possibly a victim of being struck by a ship. In December another whale was found dead 86 miles (138 kilometers) east of Nantucket.
On January 12, only two days after Bolo's death, another female right whale, named Lucky, was found dead off the coast of Georgia. Lucky, named for scars she received from a previous ship-strike, was pregnant with her first known calf.
"To say the last 12 months have been devastating to right whales is an understatement," said Regina Asmutis-Silvia, a biologist for the International Wildlife Coalition in East Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Right whales are so rare that scientists who study them know them by name. Each whale has a distinctive pattern on the top and side of its head. The patterns are made up of rough, raised patches of skin called callosities. Scientists use the patterns to distinguish individual animals.
Scientists photograph right whales from boats and small airplanes. They also track the whales' DNA by obtaining small skin biopsy samples from each whale. From these samples, researchers can learn the paternity of calves.
The information is used to develop a genetic profile of each right whale as well as a family tree for the population.
Human-Induced Mortality
A National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration plane spotted Bolo's lifeless body floating 78 miles (126 kilometers) east of Nantucket Island, located off Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Researchers say Bolo was more than 23 years old, because they first saw her when she had calved in 1981. She gave birth at least six times, the last known time in 2001.
How Bolo died is still unknown, but it is possible that a ship struck her. Ship collisions and entanglement in fishing gear now make up 50 percent of known right whale deaths.
"The habitat they live in is extremely busy with human activities. That is why we are calling this the urban whale," Brown said. "[It is] whale that is exposed to all of the marine activity along the East Coast, as well as exposure to all of the contaminants that humans dump in the water."
Reason to Cheer
There is some good news, however.
Calvin—a right whale that was orphaned at age 8 months in 1992, when her mother was hit by a ship in the Bay of Fundy—recently gave birth to her first calf.
Brown, who named Calvin back in 1992 before she knew the whale was a female, says the name stuck, "because she was a precocious little whale." Brown now hopes that aggressive efforts will be taken to protect North Atlantic right whales.
"We have been successful in moving the shipping lanes away from the main concentration of right whales in Fundy, which is where Calvin's mother was killed. But there remains much more work to be done with shipping interests in the United States," Brown said.
"If one good thing can come out of all these whale deaths, it would be the speedy implementation of conservation measures throughout their range to reduce the impact of human activities on this population," she said

Alternative News

Friday, February 18, 2005
On this day:

I see empty people

Organic Portals – The “Other” Race
Posted by Hello

Tuesday, February 15, 2005
On this day:

The assassination of Rafik al-Hariri Hariri

Now we have the assassination of Rafik al-Harri

This could turn into a truly violent and explosive situation. I am getting more nervous every day. Everything in our world is falling apart, some of us can see this happeing, sadly most people don't pay enough attention. Others just scream "kill them all".

Today's Economist states:
Some detect the work of an intelligence service—if not Syria’s, some other foreign power’s—in the method of the attack. Certainly, the size and sophistication of the bomb suggest it was the work of a well-organised and experienced group, or a government. The blast was big enough to leave a huge crater and shatter windows hundreds of metres away. Moreover, it was sophisticated enough to defeat jamming mechanisms, which the billionaire Mr Hariri’s convoy always used while travelling, to forestall such remotely triggered attacks. Mr Hariri, who made his fortune in construction in Saudi Arabia, knew he had many enemies and took what countermeasures he could.

To read more please visit the link below.
Signs of the Times

Ruppert and Hopsicker: Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth Movement

It seems we have Tsunamis, the sixth extinction, HAARP, chemtrails, and also the muck and mess of 911, and the war on terror. This all relates in one way or another. The following article is a very good look at the 911 Truth Movement. Here is a snippit.

By far the most effective tool for shaping public opinion is fear. And by far the best way to control other nations is economically, or rather, through the control of their oil supply. Hence, 9-11 and the "war on terror".
Unless the US actually physically controls Middle Eastern oil reserves, however, they have no way of controlling to whom those reserves are sold. The only way to do so is to fabricate a reason for invading each oil-rich country in turn and either permanently occupy them or install a proxy government that will do your bidding. This, it would seem, is the process we see unfolding currently with the "war on terror" and the invasion of Iraq. Iran is probably next. Venezuela may follow. Of course, the public must be given a plausible reason as to why the wells have "run dry", which is the reason for the dissemination of the peak oil myth.

Ruppert and Hopsicker: Co-Opting the 9-11 Truth MovementOr Exposing the Big Con: Lies and Disinformation At The End Of Civilisation As We Know It

In case you haven't seen this yet, it sheds a new light on the plane that hit the pentagon.

Pentagon Strike Flash

Thursday, February 10, 2005
On this day:

HAARP and Chemtrails

We can see that we have natural disasters. What about man made ones.

Such as HAARP and Chemtrails.

Laura Knight-Jadczyk has written an informative article about HAARP( High Frequency Active Auroral Research)

The HAARP experiment is supposed to improve understanding of the aurora and explain how the ionosphere adversely affects radio communications.

If you read the article written by Laura Knight-Jadczyk you will see that it seems to be a way to influence human behavior in a negative way.

Some people believe that humans will have some sort of saviour . Others think that aliens will float down and save us from ourselves. We can't count on aliens, or the government, or anyone else to save us, we are going to have to save ourselves.

Sunday, February 06, 2005
On this day:

The Sixth Extiction

I read an article today from the news

Considering the huge Tsunami, earthquakes, climate changes, wars, and all of the other
Signs of the times, it is a worthwhile read.

The Earth may be on the brink of a sixth mass extinction on a par with the five others that have punctuated its history, suggests the strongest evidence yet.
Butterflies in Britain are going extinct at an even greater rate than birds, according to the most comprehensive study ever of butterflies, birds, and plants.
There is growing concern over the rate at which species of plants and animals are disappearing around the world. But until now the evidence for such extinctions has mainly come from studies of birds. "The doubters could always turn around and say that there's something peculiar about birds that makes them susceptible to the impact of man on the environment," says Jeremy Greenwood of the British Trust for Ornithology in Norfolk, and one of the research team.
Now there is concrete evidence that insects - which account for more than half the described species on Earth, are disappearing faster than birds.
"If we can extrapolate that pattern of the British butterflies to other British insects, and indeed to invertebrates across the planet, we are obviously looking at a very serious bio-diversity crisis," says team member Mark Telfer of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds in Bedfordshire, UK.
Major ecosystems
Six large sets of data collected over the past 20 to 40 years in England, Wales, and Scotland were analysed by Jeremy Thomas of the Natural Environment Research Council Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Dorchester, UK and colleagues. More than 20,000 volunteers submitted over 15 million records of species.
The researchers found that populations of 71 percent of the butterfly species have decreased over the last 20 years, compared to 56 percent for birds and 28 percent for plants. Two butterfly species (3.4 percent of total) became extinct, compared to six (0.4 percent) of the plant species surveyed. None of the native breeding birds went extinct in the last 20 years.
Crucially, the decline in populations happened in all the major ecosystems and was distributed evenly across Britain, rather than in just a few heavily degraded regions.
The crisis could be foreshadowing a sixth mass extinction, warn the researchers. Life on Earth has already seen five mass extinctions in its four billion year old history. The last one, which wiped out the dinosaurs, happened 65 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period and was possibly caused by a giant meteor collision.
The current extinction is being precipitated by the widespread loss of habitats because of human activity, according to Tefler. The remaining habitats are small and fragmented, and their quality has been degraded because of pollution.
Nitrogen pollution
This claim is strongly supported, at least for plants, by a second study published alongside Thomas' paper in Science. Carly Stevens of the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, and her colleagues studied the diversity of plants in 68 grassland sites in the UK. The number of species in each site varied greatly, from a mean of 7.2 to 27.6 species per site. Nitrogen pollution was found to blame for this variability.
"We found strong evidence that the decline in the species richness of grasslands within the UK was linked to nitrogen pollution," says Stevens. "In areas of high nitrogen pollution the species richness was much lower than in areas of low pollution, such as the Scottish highlands."
Atmospheric nitrogen pollution is caused mainly by the burning of fossil fuels and from intensive agriculture, especially from the volatilisation of animal waste. This nitrogen is deposited on the soil, favouring the growth of some species to the cost of others.
"Evidence of a global extinction crisis has come into stark focus with these important results," comments Mark Collins of the United Nations Environment Programme's World Conservation Monitoring Centre in Cambridge, UK.

We all need to be alert and pay attention to the

Thursday, February 03, 2005
On this day:

Signs of the Times

Thinking about the Berlin wall has caused me to think about earth and the state we have found ourselves in here.

Will we even be able to survive. Will we choose to be or not be. Can we even see the difference between
good and evil?

If you heard the
truth, would you even believe it?

Do you know that there were ancient civilizations with a technology based upon stones that provided for everyone's needs? There is also spiritual work that can change your DNA and the very nature of your body.

There is a
wave on the way to earth that may well change the way you view reality.

In order to understand why the things that are happening on this planet are so amiss, you have to understand that many of the people in power on this earth are
psychopathic .

The research done by Laura Knight-Jadczyk and the Quantum Future Group provides evidence for an advanced level of scientific and metaphysical wisdom possessed by the greatest of lost ancient civilizations. Laura shows us that the upcoming shift or wave is the point in the cosmological cycle when mankind, or a least some of mankind, has the opportunity to regain his standing as "The Child of the King" in the Golden Age.

A good place to start learning more about this fascinating subject is with her
adventure series.

I personally found this information after years of looking for a reason for all of the evil on the planet, never understanding how God could create such a mean place, well I now know that's not the reality of the situation.

You will too, if you follow the yellow brick road.