Tuesday, September 26, 2006
On this day:

Take your torture and go, George

by Don Williams

George Bush 43, Commander-in-Chief, Decider, Your Royal Highness, however you'd like to be addressed....

For God's sake, take your torture program and go. Take your secret prisons, your attack dogs, your electrodes, your water boards, your feeding tubes, your ceiling restraints, your whipping wires, your excruciating music, your sleep deprivation, your hobbles and cuffs. Take all such instruments and go.

They're making things much worse, as I will show you.

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Saturday, September 16, 2006
On this day:

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina

Red Kalki

Last week, (mid August 2006) a very serious event transpired at the Buenos Aires international airport which the local mainstream press did not however bring to the attention of the public. Today, Red Kalki, relying on reliable sources, brings this matter into the open.

On Wednesday 9th August 2006, Ezeiza airport police arrested an important Israeli diplomat carrying a considerable quantity of explosives. The Zionist representative was en route to Chile and was detained minutes before boarding a plane. Despite his protests, airport police arrested him and informed the Argentine interior ministry of the situation which ordered that the situation be contained.

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Friday, September 15, 2006
On this day:

The Hariri Assassination Investigation: Are Those Who Pulled the Trigger Pulling the Strings?

Interview with Jürgen Cain Külbel conducted by Silvia Cattori.
Berlin, 14 septembre 2006.

Jürgen Cain Külbel, born in 1956 in Berlin, graduated in Criminology, is among those honest and courageous investigative journalists who are ready to undergo great sacrifices in order to contribute to the search for truth and the respect we owe our readers. Reading his book (1), as well as his responses given here to Silvia Cattori, he clearly shows that the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri had as its objective the destabilization of the region in order to create a Middle East that conforms to the interests of the United States and Israel.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006
On this day:

Arctic ice melting rapidly, study says


Arctic sea ice in winter is melting far faster than before, two new
NASA studies reported Wednesday, a new and alarming trend that researchers say threatens the ocean's delicate ecosystem.

Scientists point to the sudden and rapid melting as a sure sign of man-made global warming.

"It has never occurred before in the past," said NASA senior research scientist Josefino Comiso in a phone interview. "It is alarming... This winter ice provides the kind of evidence that it is indeed associated with the greenhouse effect."

Scientists have long worried about melting Arcticsea ice in the summer, but they had not seen a big winter drop in sea ice, even though they expected it.

For more than 25 years Arctic sea ice has slowly diminished in winter by about 1.5 percent per decade. But in the past two years the melting has occurred at rates 10 to 15 times faster. From 2004 to 2005, the amount of ice dropped 2.3 percent; and over the past year, it's declined by another 1.9 percent, according to Comiso.

A second NASA study by other researchers found the winter sea ice melt in one region of the eastern Arctic has shrunk about 40 percent in just the past two years. This is partly because of local weather but also partly because of global warming, Comiso said.

The loss of winter ice is bad news for the ocean because this type of ice, when it melts in summer, provides a crucial breeding ground for plankton, Comiso said. Plankton are the bottom rung of the ocean's food chain.

"If the winter ice melt continues, the effect would be very profound especially for marine mammals," Comiso said in a NASA telephone press conference.

The ice is melting even in subfreezing winter temperatures because the water is warmer and summer ice covers less area and is shorter-lived, Comiso said. Thus, the winter ice season shortens every year and warmer water melts at the edges of the winter ice more every year.

Scientists and climate models have long predicted a drop in winter sea ice, but it has been slow to happen. Global warming skeptics have pointed to the lack of ice melt as a flaw in global warming theory.

The latest findings are "coming more in line with what we expected to find," said Mark Serreze, a senior research scientist at the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo. "We're starting to see a much more coherent and firm picture occurring."

"I hate to say we told you so, but we told you so," he added.

Serreze said only five years ago he was "a fence-sitter" on the issue of whether man-made global warming was happening and a threat, but he said recent evidence in the Arctic has him convinced.

Summer sea ice also has dramatically melted and shrunk over the years, setting a record low last year. This year's measurements are not as bad, but will be close to the record, Serreze said.

Equally disturbing is a large mass of water — melted sea ice — in the interior of a giant patch of ice north of Alaska, Serreze said. It's called a polynya, and while those show up from time to time, this one is large — about the size of the state of Maryland — and in an unexpected place.

"I for one, after having studied this for 20 years, have never seen anything like this before," Serreze said.

The loss of summer sea ice is pushing polar bears more onto land in northern Canada and Alaska, making it seem like there are more polar bears when there are not, said NASA scientist Claire Parkinson, who studies the bears.

The polar bear population in the Hudson Bay area has dropped from 1,200 in 1989 to 950 in 2004 and the bears that are around are 22 percent smaller than they used to be, she said.

Monday, September 11, 2006
On this day:

Five Years On: It's Worse Than You Think

Henry See
September 11, 2006
Signs of the Times

Five years on, and most people still don't have a clue as to how bad the situation really is. Sure, some of them are awake enough to consider that 9/11 was an inside job...of the Bush government. They don't want to consider Israeli involvement.

Others insist on Israeli involvement, but they then want to turn 9/11 into a crusade against "the Jews". Certainly, elements from Israel, along with individual Jews from elsewhere, are among the responsible. Moreover, the entire concept of "the chosen people" is an inhuman and fundamentally anti-human idea, be it in its Judaic and religious form or in its secular and American form, and one can discern its voracious shadow lurking behind the fomenting of a religious war between Christianity and Islam. With each day that war, begun in deceit, is coming more out into the open.

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Wednesday, September 06, 2006
On this day:

The Most Important Book You'll Ever Read

Signs of the Times

In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone's lips; his books were being sold by scores of thousand, and he was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of readers and admirers. Former London Times correspondent in Central Europe, he had won great fame with books like Insanity Fair, Disgrace Abounding, Lest We Regret, Somewhere South of Suez, Far and Wide and several others, each amplifying a hundredfold the scope available to him as one of the world's leading foreign correspondents.

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