Four And a Half Years...
EditorialLaura Knight-Jadczyk
Has anybody noticed that news isn't what it used to be?
What happened to the general up and down, back and forth, flow of events, both good and bad, that used to be our daily fare? It used to be possible to read the news and the good news somehow was able to counterbalance the bad news. Yes, there were evil things afoot, but there were also good things in the works.
And it wasn't just denial of the bad things either. There used to be serious groups working for peace and global understanding and betterment who were actually making progress even if they did have to fight for every step forward against corporations only out for money or against corrupt government power fiends. Nowadays, the news is almost unrelentingly horrible and the only "good news" seems to be from delusional characters who are paid to propagandize, trying to convince all of us that black is white and sour is sweet.
I don't know about you, but as bad as it might have been under the surface or behind the scenes, I want the old days back... the days before George W. Bush was appointed to a presidency he did not win. Since George Bush was hoisted to the highest office in the land, everything has gone downhill like nuclear train.
I mean, just take a look at some of the stories headlines here - just a few out of a much larger selection:
Shi'ite militia, insurgents clash in Baghdad
Ten imams murdered in Iraq as sectarian killings intensify :
Dozens of Mosques Attacked, Over 100 Dead, Thousands Protest :
Ted Koppel in 'NYT': Iraq for U.S. Is 'About the Oil' :
Germany admits its spies helped US in Iraq war:
Taleban kill four Afghan soldiers in ambush:
Further Evidence That Senior Officials Approved Abuse of Prisoners at Guantánamo :
Blair condones Amin-style tactics against terrorism, says Archbishop:
Balata Refugee Camp under invasion again :
Car bombers attack Saudi oil plant:
Emergency declared in Philippines:
Venezuela cuts US airline flights :
Venezuelan-Owned Citgo Faces Congressional Inquiry For Offering Discounted Oil to U.S. Poor
A Global Infrastructure for Mass Surveillance :
UAE terminal takeover extends to 21 ports:
Watchdog Group Questions 2004 Fla. Vote :
To combat hunger, more in US turn to soup kitchens:
Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Iran, Venezuela, Philippines, people in the US being spied on and going hungry while their president steals their money to give to his pals to bomb more people and stir up more violence, so he has to take more money to give to his friends to bomb more people and citizens of the US keep sliding further and further into poverty and despair.
What the HELL is going on? Four and a half years ago the world was not like this! I could read the news without feeling like the ground was being snatched from under my feet! I could read the news and not wonder who was going to bomb who first and who was going to nuke who first. Sure, there were problems - mostly caused by subversive Intell agencies trying to manipulate the global players into position so that what is being done today COULD be done, but at least they were being partly contained by actions from those seeking peace and stability. In four and a half years, we've gone from the point where postive changes could have taken the world in an entirely different direction, to a point where it looks like the days of this civilization are, indeed, numbered.
It all started when George Bush stole his first election.
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