Tuesday, February 21, 2006
On this day:

Jack Straw Protests Too Much

Signs of the Times
Joe Quinn

Yesterday, during his whistlestop tour of Iraq, British Foreign Minister Jack Straw made a couple of very interesting admissions, although undoubtedly he would not see them as such.

First, Straw informed the world that "the US government has no intention of maintaining a permanent Soviet-style "gulag" at Guantanamo Bay", which appears to be a recognition of the fact that Guantanamo Bay is indeed a Soviet Style Gulag. In the Gulags:

brutality, hunger and harsh elements were the major reasons for the Gulag's high fatality rate, which was as high as 80% during the first months in many camps.

Inmates were often forced to work in inhuman conditions. In spite of the brutal climate, they were almost never adequately clothed, fed, or given medical treatment, nor were they given any means to combat the lack of vitamins that led to nutritional diseases such as scurvy. The nutritional value of basic daily food ration varied around 1,200 calories (5,000 kilojoules), mainly from low-quality bread distributed by weight. According to the World Health Organization, the minimum requirement for a heavy labourer is in the range of 3,100–3,900 calories (13,000 to 16,300 kJ) daily.

Straw tells us that the allegedly Democratic US government has no intention of "permanently" maintaining a camp like Guantanamo bay where innocent people are treated as animals. The question then is how long does the US government intend on disgracing itself in this way?

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