Tuesday, March 22, 2005
On this day:

The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man

In the early sixteenth century, Pope Leo X is on record as declaring: "It has served us well, this myth of Christ."

Rennes-le-chateau and the Accursed Treasure

What is the most secret of groups - The Priory of Sion

What are the secrets in "The Shepards of Arcadia"

"The painting shows three classical shepherds and a shepherdess standing before a bulky sarcophagus/tomb. One of the shepherds is pointing to the words carved on the face of the tomb which say, again, "Et in Arcadia ego." In point of fact, the finger of the shepherd is directly on the "R" of "Arcadia," which manages to highlight the "RC" combination, which could be taken as a "sign" pointing to the Rose Cross, or Rosicrucians.
Now, the curious fact is that there WAS a tomb found less than 6 miles from Rennes-le-Chateau, on a rocky mount beside the road, which certainly LOOKED like the tomb in this painting! It had no inscription on it, being covered with a thin layer of cement, and, as of this time, I understand that it has been removed altogether to prevent a continuing onslaught of treasure hunters from trampling about on private property. However, it was later shown that this was a tomb of very late construction and could not have been the model for Poussin's painting. But, we will get to that later."


article written by: Laura Knight-Jadczyk


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