Aliens Don't Like to Eat People That Smoke!
We breath pollutants every day, but we rarely hear about the real cause of air pollution and lung cancer. It seems that most lung cancer is blamed on the smoking, but is this the truth.What about the positive effects of nicotine?
Schizophrenia, too, has attracted interest. Surveys have suggested that up to 90 per cent of people with the disorder smoke. There are at least two possible reasons: to calm the effects of the illness itself, or to mitigate those of some of the drugs used to control it. On this second point, there have been indications that nicotine can reverse the memory problems and slowness of thought induced by a commonly used medicine, haloperidol.
Attempts to use nicotine in Parkinson's date back to the 1920s when one clinician injected it intravenously into a dozen patients. Although benefits were immediately apparent, little more happened for 50 years.
Independent News : UK, 22 February 2000Nicotine, the scourge of 20th-century medicine, might actually benefit people suffering from debilitating brain disorders such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, according to new scientific studies of the drug.
So what is it about smoking, and nicotine in particular, that prevents or lessens the effects of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases among others? The answer, it seems it to be found in nicotine's capacity to mimic the effects of a molecule found naturally in the body.
So, what's up with that. Full story here.
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