"They Have Destroyed Everything": Terms of Debate on Iraq
Chris FloydEmpire Burlesque
Mon, 09 Jul 2007 12:39 EDT

Death everywhere, death every day, nothing but death and the stench of death and the never-ending agony of the aftermath of death. This is the true and only meaningful context of all the punditry and political posturing around the "issue" of Iraq. While the White House maneuvers to "buy time" for the president and provide "political cover" for continuing the war - and the Democrats make plans to float some "proposals" on "beginning to redeploy some forces" - the cry of an Iraqi grandfather whose entire family was murdered in the bombing at Amerli rips like a knife to the heart of the matter:
"We were wiped out mercilessly, and we blame the Americans, the Iraqi government, the criminals and all the politicians who brought us catastrophe and destruction. They have destroyed everything with their sectarianism and politics."
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