Hey Under-30s Crowd, Have You Overdosed on Narcissism?

By Clayton Collins
Christian Science Monitor
Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:36 EST
A new study points to disturbing data about Generation Y's supposed lack of empathy, aggressive behavior and inability to form relationships.
A little smug self-absorption might be a time-honored trait of at least some subsets of the under-30 crowd.
But over the past few decades the prevailing disposition among college students -- today labeled Generation Y or Millennials -- has slid into full-blown narcissism, according to a study released this week.
The "all about me" shift means much more than lots of traffic at self-revelatory Web sites such as YouTube and Facebook. It points, says the study's author, to a generation's lack of empathy, its inability to form relationships -- and worse.
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