Forget About Global Warming: We're One Step From Extinction!
Laura Knight-Jadczyk & Henry SeeSigns of the Times
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 14:59 EDT

Often, some of the most important news comes from local papers, stories that don't make it up the feeding chain and onto the news wires or major newspapers or nightly network news. It can be news that at first glance wouldn't appear to have a national or international impact. Second glance, and a good memory, can reveal that the impact may well be quite significant.
The other day a reader sent us an article link that he found on another website: Bad news - we are way past our 'extinct by' date
Since we had run the same story back when it first came out, we thought "yeah! Flashback!" After all, with all the talk about Global Warming, it served to remind readers that human caused CO2 levels are not all there is to what is going on here on the BBM today.
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