Tuesday, August 08, 2006
On this day:

War Crimes and Responsibility of the Bush Administration

August 7, 2006
by Rodrigue Tremblay
The New American Empire

"A highwayman is as much a robber when he plunders in a gang as when single; and a nation that makes an unjust war is only a great gang."

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790), Father of the American Constitution

"Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime."

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)

"It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

Can a democracy turn fascist and militaristic? It sure can, and that is the most severe threat a democracy can ever face. The 20th Century example was Germany in the 1930's. -The Nazi Party was elected in November 1932, with only 33.1 percent of the votes, but when its leader Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor on January 30, 1933, it immediately began subverting the German Weimar Constitution by concentrating political power in its own hands, while increasing military expenditures. The Nazi government then suspended a number of constitutional protections of civil liberties under the pretext of external and internal threats to its security. The following steps taken by Nazi Germany were to initiate a series of illegal wars of aggression against other countries. This culminated with World War II in which more than 50 million people died.

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