The Pentagon Caper
The Pentagon CaperBy Michael Weiss
Posted Wednesday, May 17, 2006, at 6:27 PM ET
Conspiracy theorists haven't exactly been placated by the Defense Department's release of footage from two cameras that showed Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon on Sept. 11. Also, Adam Nagourney's losing-is-the-new-winning strategy for the Dems is not widely seen as a muscular counterpoint to Karl Rove.
The Pentagon caper: Footage from two Pentagon security cameras, recording the terrorist attack on the facility on Sept. 11, was made public Tuesday by the Defense Department, which had withheld the material because of Zacarias Moussaoui's trial. Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch, the legal activist group that sued for access to the video under the Freedom of Information Act, explained: "[W]e hope that this video will put to rest the conspiracy theories involving American Airlines Flight 77." Keep hoping., a collective of "educated, curious, critical thinkers," finds more questions than answers: "If you've followed the conspiracy theories, I don't think these two videos disprove them at all. On the contrary—if you don't clearly see a large passenger airplane in the videos, your skepticism should be piqued." And Jennifer, a 22-year-old living in Marabella, Spain, writes on her MySpace blog: "Though I hate to say and all of you hate to admit it, it looks to me, that it is more likely a missile. It's the right size and a much more believable size than the nose of a 757."
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