Abovetopsecret.com EXPOSED!!!
Well this just gets more interesting everyday. An update for those following the Above top secret's cointelpro activities22 March 2006
Abovetopsecret.com EXPOSED!!!
Some of you may have noticed that signs of the times was down for awhile today. This was due to the actions of the website abovetopsecret.com. As I have speculated, they were given the task to run cointelpro on Joe Quinn's article:
Evidence That a Frozen Fish Didn't Impact the Pentagon on 9/11 - and Neither Did a Boeing 757
which was an analysis of the "catherder" article on abovetopsecret which essentially was support for the Bush Neocons conspiracy theory about the events of September 11.
As anyone who is familiar with copyright law knows, this is perfectly legal under standard copyright law.
However, abovetopsecret.com, like Bush and the Neocons, make up their own laws. As I have chronicled on this blog, their urgent demands that we remove this article because it was a violation of their "creative commons" copyright was absurd and simply evidence of their position as an active cointelpro/psy-ops propagator on the internet. It isn't copyrights they are concerned about, it is google bombing and running psy-ops. And now, they have proven it.
Here is the letter we received from our server people after being notified by about a hundred people via email that the signs of the times site was down:
From: "James" ****
To: Arkadiusz Jadczyk
Subject: FW: Notice of Copyright Infringement
Date sent: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:55:32 -0500
Date forwarded: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 14:38:12 -0600
Hi, we received the following complaint from your site. Please investigate this and let us know.
From: Jaeschke, Jr., Wayne [mailto:WJaeschke@****.com]
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 2:35 PM
To: dmca@velcom.com
Cc: mark@abovetopsecret.com; skepticoverlord@abovetopsecret.com
Subject: Notice of Copyright Infringement
Our firm represents AboveTopSecret.com LLP ("ATS"). ATS is the owner of numerous copyrighted articles being displayed in an infringing
manner on a website hosted by your company. That website is http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/> http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/.
The infringing articles appear at:
http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/Abo … rticle.htm ("the 757
http://www.signs-of-the-times.org/signs … 050909.htm ("the FEMA article")
The original articles appear on the Abovetopsecret.com website at:
The republication of each of these articles is governed by the Creative
Commons 2.5 Deed ("the CC Deed").
The 757 article may be republished in accordance with the terms and conditions specified here:
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/cc. … pid=816414
The FEMA article may be republished in accordance with the terms and conditions specified here:
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/cc. … id=1685907
Pursuant to the CC Deed, these articles, each of which is owned by ATS and is the subject of a registration in the United States Copyright Office 1) may not be published on sites/pages with commercial advertisements; 2) may not be used to make "derivative works"; and 3) must provide proper attribution to the author and a link to the original article.
In each instance of content owned by ATS appearing on the "signs-of-the-times.org" website, all three of these conditions of the terms of use is violated. The owners/operators of ATS have attempted to contact the operator of signs-of-the-times.org and have this situation corrected by either removing the articles or republishing them in a manner that complies with the CC Deed. The operators of the Signs-of-the-times.org websites, Laura Knight-Jadczyk and Arkadiusz Jadczyk, have failed to comply.
We must therefore request that Velcom.com, as hosts for the Signs-of-the-times.org website, remove these pages from publication.
Moreover, this letter constitutes notice to the operators of Velcom.com that ATS believes that have a right to enforce their copyright under Canadian and U.S. law and reserves the right to take further action in the U.S., Canada, or both without further notice.
As well, this letter is also to serve notice on Velcom.com that the owners of ATS have rescinded all rights to the operators of signs-of-the-times.org under the CC Deed, in view of their continued non-compliance with the terms and conditions of use of original, copyright content appears on the abovetopsecret.com website.
Please contact me at ******* if you have any questions with regard to this matter. Otherwise, we look forward to the prompt and amicable resolution of this matter.
Wayne Jaeschke
Wayne C. Jaeschke, Jr.
Morrison & Foerster LLP
McLean, VA 22102
phone: ****
fax: ****
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Now folks, come on, how many websites that were just started by an ordinary guy who took on a couple of "ordinary" partners, and is just a hobby and sharing on the internet, are able to afford a copyright attorney in McLean Virginia???
This action also is highly suggestive of the idea that the Pentagon Issue is a LOT more sensitive than anyone has thus far suspected! Do take note of THAT!
I hope that everyone who reads this will spread this information far and wide because these people are EVIL Bush supporters, Cyber Nazi Brown Shirts.
See the blog posts:
Is Is the Above Top Secret Forum COINTELPRO?
COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum -- this post is most pertinent to the current Simon Grey issue.
Abovetopsecret.com COINTELPRO Update
AboveTopSecret.com COINTELPRO Update 2
More Inside Scoops on Abovetopsecret.com!
The Spider and The Fly: SkepticOverlord and COINTELPRO
Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs
See also forum threads on abovetopsecret.com and project SERPO:
More details here
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