Sunday, July 17, 2005
On this day:

T-shirts on for an Artic heatwave

Robin McKie reports from Svalbard where scientists have been sunbathing in record temperatures of almost 20C

Sunday July 17, 2005The Observer

These are unusual times for Ny-Alesund, the world's most northerly community. Perched high above the Arctic Circle, on Svalbard, normally a place gripped by shrieking winds and blizzards, it was caught in a heatwave a few days ago. Temperatures soared to the highest ever recorded here, an extraordinary 19.6C, a full degree-and-a-half above the previous record. Researchers lolled in T-shirts and soaked up the sun: a high life in the high Arctic.

It was an extraordinary vision, for this huddle of multi-coloured wooden huts - a community of different Arctic stations run by various countries and perched at the edge of a remote, glacier-rimmed fjord - is only 600 miles from the North Pole.

LINK to full story


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